Threshold Bible Study
Cross the threshold to enter this dynamic, informative, inspiring, and life-changing series that helps you learn in an enticing new way. Each Threshold book contains thirty lessons, which you can use on your own for daily study over the course of a month or which can be divided into six lessons per week, providing a group study of six weekly sessions. Through the spiritual disciplines of Scripture reading, study, reflection, conversation, and prayer, you will experience God's grace more abundantly and root your life more deeply in Christ.
The risen Jesus said: “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you” (Rev 3:20).
Click individual books for more details.
Order the 12 books at the discounted rate of $9.95 each.
Choose a quiet place, a favorite chair, and a regular time for reading.
Read the 30 lessons of each book, one each day, for a month.
Deepen your understanding and experience the transforming power of God’s word.
January – Jesus, the Compassionate Savior: Part One (Luke 1-11)
February – Jesus, the Compassionate Savior: Part Two (Luke 12-24)
March – Church of the Holy Spirit: Part One (Acts 1-14)
April – Church of the Holy Spirit: Part Two (Acts 15-28)
May – Wholehearted Commitment: Part 1 (Deuteronomy 1-15)
June – Wholehearted Commitment: Part 2 (Deuteronomy 16–34)
July – Salvation Offered for All People (Romans)
August – Proclaiming Christ Crucified (1 Corinthians)
September – Unity in Christ’s Church (Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians)
October – New Covenant Worship (Hebrews)
November – Faith, Hope, and Love (The Seven Catholic Letters)
December – The Lamb and the Beast (The Book of Revelation)
January – Mary: Royal Mother of the Messiah
February – God's Spousal Love
March – Parables of Jesus
April – The Mass
May – Music, Hymns, and Canticles
June – The Creed of the Church
July – The Sacred Heart of Jesus
August – Questions Jesus Asks
September – Forgiveness
October – The Feasts of Judaism
November – Peacemaking and Nonviolence
December – The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts
Or Mix and Match as you choose from the wide selection of Threshold books.
Call 1-800-321-0411 or order online at
The Creed of the Church
Since each phrase of the creed is rooted in the inspired Scriptures, this study helps us reflect more deeply on the core truths that we profess. Formed by the church’s earliest theologians and councils, these statements of faith met the challenges to the church’s unity as they arose in the first three centuries. When we are able to recite the creed with greater understanding and conviction, we can enter into a richer communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and also with the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.
Mary: Royal Mother of the Messiah
Studying and contemplating Mary through the Scriptures enables us to encounter her as mother, counselor, and inspiration. She is the surest path to knowing and loving Jesus, for all her dignity and greatness comes from him alone. Pondering her many regal titles as well as her simple humanity, we come to know her as a strong, resilient woman and the royal mother of God’s people.
Parables of Jesus
Study each parable to determine its significance, how it functions, and how it calls its readers to respond. The parables of Jesus are designed to shake us up, to shock, to confront, to provoke, and to indict us. They will compel us and empower us to think, teach, and act like Jesus did, to accept his new vision of the world, and to participate wholeheartedly in the new life he offers us.
The Mass
Explore the biblical foundations of each part of the Mass. From the procession to the altar and the Sign of the Cross to the final blessing and sending forth, the eucharistic liturgy of the church is a mosaic of words, images, and actions drawn from sacred Scripture.
Music, Hymns, and Canticles
Discover how music has played a central role in the life of God’s people, how hymns and songs have been woven into the fabric of their communal living and public worship. Choirs of voices, lyres and harps, strings and pipes, tambourines and dance all resonate in praise, remembering God's wondrous deeds and celebrating the feasts of God's people.
Questions Jesus Asks
Ponder the provocative questions Jesus asked during his ministry, knowing that he is asking us these questions today, evoking new understandings and challenging us to change our perspectives.
Study the dynamics of forgiveness throughout the Bible, learning to embody the divine pardon and mercy you have received, so as to bring healing to your personal life, your family, and our church.
Peacemaking and Nonviolence
Discover how to read the prophets of Israel and the teachings of Jesus through the lens of the cross, offering the world a way to renounce hostile retaliation, learning to love enemies and struggle for justice with creative nonviolence.
Missionary Discipleship
Learn how the call to evangelization is at the heart of Scripture--in ancient Israel, the life of Jesus, and the apostolic church--and how disciples are called to be missionary witnesses of the gospel, living the good news with joy and hope for the sake of the world.
God's Spousal Love
Explore how God’s covenant love is expressed throughout the Bible with images of marital commitment, tenderness, love, and faithfulness. This study will encourage married couples to understand their relationship as a reflection of the spousal love of God for us.
Divine Mercy
Discover God’s most fundamental attribute and the expression of God’s own heart in divine mercy. With a heart always for the poor and the lost, God demonstrates faithful love for the world and calls people to a joyful and abundant life.
Angels of God
Enhance today’s fascination with angels with an overview of the Bible’s presentation of God’s angels as mediators, guardians, and guides. Understanding their role throughout biblical history will enhance your awareness of their presence with us today.
Jerusalem, the Holy City
Learn Jerusalem’s significance in the history, prophets, and psalms of Israel, and its importance as the city of Jesus’ final pilgrimage and the founding city of the church. This city of peace is the city of David, the city of Jesus, and the model for God’s new creation.
Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus
Go on a virtual pilgrimage to the Holy Land to explore the primary sites commemorating the life of Jesus. Holy places and sacred Scripture help us encounter Jesus through the geography of his earthly life.
Advent Light
Enkindle a watchful expectancy of the continual coming of Christ by reliving the anticipation of our ancestors. If we learn from the prophets, angels, shepherds, magi, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Joseph, we will learn to wait in joyful hope.
People of the Passion
Experience Christ’s Passion through the eyes of Peter, Mary Magdalene, Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and many others. Travel the way of the cross with this motley gathering of gospel characters.
The Tragic and Triumphant Cross
Plumb the depths of Scripture for the awful and glorious significance of the world’s most beloved symbol. Worn on our necks, carried in procession, and set on mountaintops, the cross is truly the universal sign of humanity’s greatest hope.
The Names of Jesus
Know Jesus more completely through this study of his many names and titles in the New Testament. Bridegroom, King of kings, Bread of Life, Morning Star, Word, Lamb, Messiah, Alpha and Omega, and many more help us appreciate the richness of his personality.
Mysteries of the Rosary
Explore the biblical roots of each of the mysteries of the rosary. Enhance your meditation on the joyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries by understanding the great events of our salvation in Christ.
Enrich your understanding of Eucharist through exploring its biblical roots. As holy sacrifice, sacred meal, and the living presence of Christ, the Eucharist is the focal experience of the church’s life.
The Resurrection and the Life
Realize how the Resurrection offers us hope for the future and gives purpose for everything we do today. The Resurrection is God’s greatest victory and the fulfillment of humanity’s deepest longing.
The Feasts of Judaism
Understand the biblical roots of Judaism’s festivals. An appreciation of the Sabbath, Passover, Pentecost, Booths, Purim, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, and others will help Christians comprehend modern Judaism and the faith of Jesus.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Change your hearts of stone to hearts of flesh by turning to the pierced and sacred heart of Jesus, the place of divine love. The heart is the biblical symbol for the human will and passion, the personal level at which genuine conversion to Christ occurs.
The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts
Discover how to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow God’s Spirit to manifest divine graces and spiritual gifts more richly within you. The same Spirit who inspired the prophets and evangelists and who filled the life of Jesus now blows within and among all God’s people.
Stewardship of the Earth
Experience God’s creation as a great gift and a sacred trust to humanity. The biblical texts help us understand our privilege and responsibility in caring for the earth and humbly recognizing our place within it.
Complete Set
Purchase a copy of every all the titles of Threshold Bible Study and save. Perfect for personal, parish, and diocesan libraries and resource centers. Click on the image to order.
Threshold to God's Word
Unlock the door to God’s word, learning to read the Bible not as an intellectual exercise, but a devoted and passionate search, an enthusiastic and joyful discovery. Written for individual or group study, reflection questions that help connect the transforming power of Scripture to the heart of our own spirituality.
Wholehearted Commitment: Part 1 (Deuteronomy 1-15)
In studying Deuteronomy, every generation is called back to the threshold between the wilderness and the promised land, making a wholehearted commitment to the covenant with God. As a collection of motivational sermons by Moses, it contains some of the Bible’s most beautiful and inspiring texts.
Wholehearted Commitment: Part 2 (Deuteronomy 16–34)
The second half of Deuteronomy looks not only to Israel’s immediate future in the promised land but Israel’s ultimate purpose and destiny as a blessing to all the nations. Studying Deuteronomy, we let God’s word transform our motivations and desires so that we may wholeheartedly choose the way of life in all we do.
Jesus, the Messianic King: Part One (Matthew 1-16)
Matthew’s Gospel presents Jesus as Israel’s royal Messiah, inaugurating God’s kingdom in the world. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel, the clear advice it offers for the church, and its personal implications for the lives of disciples today.
Jesus, the Messianic King: Part Two (Matthew 17-28)
The second half of Matthew’s Gospel moves from the Transfiguration to the Resurrection, announcing Jesus as the world’s true King. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus bring the hopes of ancient Israel to their dramatic climax.
Jesus, the Suffering Servant: Part One (Mark 1-8)
Mark wrote his Gospel for the persecuted church in Rome, highlighting those parts of the tradition that will help the church follow him more faithfully. You will learn that following Jesus requires radical conversion and constant readiness for the coming of God’s kingdom.
Jesus, the Suffering Servant: Part Two (Mark 9-16)
This second half of Mark’s Gospel explores the the successes and failures of Jesus’ original disciples. You will realize that the cross is the focus of both the sacrificial life of Jesus and discipleship in his way.
Jesus, the Compassionate Savior: Part One (Luke 1-11)
Luke wrote his Gospel for all Gentiles seeking to understand God’s universal plan of salvation in Jesus. Today, the gospel becomes truly good news for the lives of people in every nation, of every race, language, and culture.
Jesus, the Compassionate Savior: Part Two (Luke 12-24)
The second half of Luke’s Gospel narrates Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and shows the inclusiveness of his love even for those who crucify him. Readers learn how to be compassionate, evangelizing disciples without boundaries of race, gender, or class.
Jesus, the Word Made Flesh: Part One (John 1-10)
John’s Gospel presents Jesus as the personal revelation of the unseen God, selecting words and deeds of Jesus to form seven great dramas to demonstrate the power and love of God working in him.
Jesus, the Word Made Flesh: Part Two (John 11-21)
The second part of John’s gospel follows Jesus during his final week in Jerusalem, shows how believing in Jesus and loving as he loves leads to the fullness of life.
Church of the Holy Spirit: Part One (Acts 1-14)
The most thrilling and adventurous book of the Bible, Acts shows us Christianity being lived for the first time. It narrates missionary journeys, trials and imprisonments, powerful sermons, sea voyages, and the clash of ancient cultures, inviting us to continue the adventure today.
Church of the Holy Spirit: Part Two (Acts 15-28)
The second half of Acts narrates the missionary journeys of Paul and his companions. It begins in Jerusalem and ends in Rome, but the story is open-ended, for it is lived in the church and its members in every age.
Salvation Offered for All People (Romans)
Demonstrating his skills as a missionary, pastor, and theologian, Paul explains how God's salvation is rooted in his Jewish heritage but is destined for people of all races and nations.
Proclaiming Christ Crucified (1 Corinthians)
As the young church in Corinth discerns how to be disciples in their distinct context, Paul teaches how a living faith in Jesus Christ must be grounded in his saving cross. Discover how Paul transformed the imaginations of the Christians of Corinth so that they could live their lives in radically new ways.
Unity in Christ’s Church (Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians
Discover how the church brings together what the world has separated, transcending the boundaries that divide—national partitions, racial barriers, class distinctions, and political partisanship. This unity of the church—forming one body and one Spirit, joined in one hope, one Lord, one faith, and one baptism—is God’s gift as well as a goal to be achieved through the transforming power of the gospel.
New Covenant Worship (Hebrews)
Written to demonstrate how Jesus perfects the priesthood, rituals, and sacrifices of ancient Israel, Hebrews shows us the dignity of Christ's humanity and the majesty of his divinity, presenting him as the one priest and the perfect sacrifice of the new covenant. Through Jesus our mediator, we learn how to satisfy our anxious longings, remove the barriers that sin erects, join our lives to God's all-holy presence, and participate in the heavenly worship of God.
Faith, Hope, and Love (The Seven Catholic Letters)
Because these seven letters provide a unique window into early Christian theology and practice, they should ideally be read together. Known as the “pillars” of the community in Jerusalem, James, Peter, and John offer the church a collection of letters that serves as a complementary, non-Pauline apostolic witness. The great Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love recur throughout these letters and form a thematic unity within the collection.
The Lamb and the Beast (The Book of Revelation)
Choose the way of the Lamb over the way of the beasts, the mystical Jerusalem over the corruption of Babylon. Realize that the book of Revelation is not about what the future holds, but about who holds the future.
Enthrone the Bible in Your Home
Click below to access a prayer service for enthroning the Bible. You may make as many copies as you wish for your family or the families of your parish. Print the WORD format on both sides to create a four-page booklet.
Blessing of Bibles at Sunday Mass
Click below to access a blessing prayer over the Sunday Mass congregation for Bible Sunday. Instruct the people to bring their personal or family Bibles to Mass, then offer this prayer of commitment and blessing.
What Scholars and Pastoral Leaders Are Saying about Threshold Bible Study
This series has received remarkable endorsements from American bishops, biblical scholars, and pastoral leaders throughout the Catholic Church. Scroll down further to see “What People in the Parishes Are Saying about Threshold Bible Study.”
“The books in the Threshold Bible Study series by Stephen J. Binz reflect the ideal Catholic approach to biblical interpretation: sound biblical scholarship; a format accessible for lay readership; and a sensitivity to the Church’s life and spirit. This is what the Church means by biblical scholarship at the service of the community of faith.”
Donald Senior, C.P. the late President Emeritus of Catholic Theological Union
“Threshold Bible Study breaks open the Scriptures and guides readers to a transformation of heart and mind. In this series, Stephen Binz offers his expertise along with his devotion to help Catholics draw nearer to their sacred texts, ponder their rich meaning, and encounter God in a deep, intimate, and sustained way.”
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Professor of Hebrew Bible, College of the Holy Cross
“Threshold Bible Study combines rich insight based in good scholarship with equally rich insight based in prayer. As a Methodist, I highly recommend these books groups both within and outside the Catholic Church. I will be using them as a Lenten study for the adult class I lead at church.”
Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Chair in Biblical and Theological Studies, St. Mary’s Seminary & University
“Stephen Binz's Threshold Bible Study expertly blends deep scholarly insight with warm, approachable language, perfectly suiting both group and individual study. Binz's engaging style makes profound spiritual truths accessible and relatable, offering a transformative experience for those seeking to deepen their faith through an encounter with sacred Scripture. This series is a treasure for anyone looking to explore the Bible in a fresh and life-changing way. It serves as a beautiful gateway of grace for those yearning to enrich their faith journey.
Kris McGregor, founder and director of and host of “Inside the Pages”
“I recommend the Threshold Bible Study series enthusiastically. These volumes are exegetically well-grounded, nourishing spiritually, and pastorally well-suited for individual or small-group Bible study. Each volume presents the biblical text followed by accessible commentary that helps readers to understand the word of God. Reflection and discussion questions follow, with space provided for readers to make their own notes. These studies do not require highly-skilled leaders; each chapter includes practical suggestions for facilitators. The people of God would benefit greatly if priests, deacons, and lay ecclesial ministers would make Threshold Bible Study part of their pastoral plan.”
Peter Williamson, Professor of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit
“I so appreciate the way Stephen Binz makes the biblical text interesting and accessible to a wide audience without “dumbing it down.” His passion for Scripture and for upbuilding the faith is admirable!”
Laurie Brink, O.P., Professor of New Testament Studies, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
“The books in Stephen Binz's Threshold Bible Study read like lectio divina meditations from the monastic tradition, but with fascinating historical insights about the biblical characters and authors. He has a gift for making these ancient texts speak an urgent but compelling word to us today, inviting us to read ourselves into the great drama of salvation history. He nourishes the roots of our Christian faith in the rich soil of Judaism, and he presents the Bible as a single fountain with an endlessly fresh supply of water for anyone thirsting for the Lord.”
Thomas Esposito, O. Cist., Professor of Theology, University of Dallas
"The Church has called Scripture a 'font' and 'wellspring' for the spiritual life. Threshold Bible Study is one of the best sources for tapping into the biblical font. Threshold Bible Study offers you an encounter with the Word that will make your heart come alive."
Tim Gray, President of the Augustine Institute, Denver
"Threshold Bible Study offers solid scholarship and spiritual depth. It can be counted on for lively individual study and prayer, even while it offers spiritual riches to deepen communal conversation and reflection among the people of God."
Scott Hahn, Founder and President of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
“Anyone who is seriously interested in studying the Bible in a small group can do no better than to pick one of the studies in the Threshold Bible Study series by Stephen Binz. Each theologically insightful and pastorally sensitive study effortlessly draws participants into a retreat for the mind and heart to encounter Christ anew!”
Judy Kostelni, Director, New England Catholic Biblical School
“Stephen Binz provides the Church with a tremendous gift and resource in the Threshold Bible Study. This great series invites readers into the world of Scripture with insight, wisdom, and accessibility. This series will help you fall in love with the Word of God!”
Daniel P. Horan, Director of the Center for Spirituality and professor at Saint Mary’s college, South Bend
“Stephen Binz has established himself as the most prolific and experienced author of Bible studies in the American Catholic Church. He has truly ‘labored in the vineyard’ for years, bringing rich spiritual fruit from the vineyard of God’s Word for so many English-speaking Catholics. I heartily endorse his Threshold Bible Study series and encourage bible study leaders and small group ministers around the country to try it out for themselves!”
John S. Bergsma, Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville; Vice President of Mission, The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
“Threshold Bible Study provides a treasury of material for study group leaders and individuals who want to grow in their knowledge and spiritual reflection on Scripture and the Catholic faith. Stephen J. Binz has prepared a feast for the reader who comes to be nourished at the table of God’s word. His reflections introduce passages and topics in a way that is deeply informed and yet inviting rather than intimidating, and the study questions and guides open the door not just to knowledge but prayerful spiritual reflection for living out our lives under God’s love and direction. Highly recommended.”
James Prothro, Associate Professor of Scripture at the Augustine Institute
“Threshold Bible Study draws readers into an experience of the word of God through intricately researched historical details along with a profound spirituality of the Scriptures. Encountering Christ through the Word provides light for our lives, hope for our hearts, and passion to share this word with everyone. Thanks to Stephen Binz' scholarship readers can delve deeply into God's love letter to humanity!”
Sr Nancy Usselmann, FSP Director of Pauline Center for Media Studies, author of A Sacred Look: Becoming Cultural Mystics
“Threshold Bible Study is by far the best series of short Bible-study books available today. I recommend them to all the leaders I help train in the Catholic Bible Institutes of several dioceses. Kudos to Stephen Binz for writing books that are ideal for small-group or individual use.”
Felix Just, S.J., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
“I have thirteen titles of Stephen's Threshold Bible Study on my office shelf. The thematic surveys are my favorites: angels, music, the rosary, the Sacred Heart, and Jerusalem. What expansive windows through which to contemplate our sacred stories! Questions Jesus Asks is a topic I've long considered. I'm grateful to Stephen for inviting us to answer them.”
Alice Camille, retreat leader and author of twenty books including This Transforming Word
"Stephen J. Binz is a consistently outstanding Catholic educator and communicator whose books on the study and application of scripture have thoroughly enriched my Christian understanding. In our fast-moving, often confusing times, his ability to help us examine and comprehend the truth through all the noise is especially needed and valuable."
Elizabeth Scalia, writer and speaker, blogger as The Anchoress
“Stephen Binz has created an essential resource for the new evangelization rooted in the discipleship process that helps participants to unpack the treasures of the Scriptures in an engaging and accessible manner. Threshold Bible Study connects faith learning to faithful living leading one to a deeper relationship with Christ and His body, the Church.”
Julianne Stanz, Director of Outreach for Evangelization and Discipleship for Loyola Press
“Threshold Bible Study takes to heart the summons of the Second Vatican Council—"easy access to Sacred Scripture should be provided for all the Christian faithful” (Dei Verbum, #22)—by facilitating an encounter with the Word of God that is simple, insightful, and engaging. A great resource for the New Evangelization.”
Hosffman Ospino, Professor, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
“Threshold Bible Study is the ideal tool for those seeking an integrated approach to studying the Bible. In a simple yet profound style, these themed Bible studies are rooted in a Catholic way of reading and praying Scripture and shaped by Stephen Binz’s biblical scholarship and sound interpretation for modern readers. Threshold Bible Study provides a bridge between God’s living word and daily life, and thus it promotes the New Evangelization in the Chinese-speaking churches when employed for both catechumens and senior believers to fall in love with the Divine Word ever anew.”
Ching Yi Chen, O.S.U., translator and coordinator of Binz Chinese Project for Word-Mission, Taiwan
“Threshold Bible Study guides readers to ‘do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God,’ reflecting on Scripture and acting on its prophetic call. Stephen Binz uses his biblical scholarship and passion for God’s word to show others how to take on the mind and heart of Jesus through a meditative reading of Scripture. I recommend this approach to Bible study because it spotlights key themes of biblical revelation and underscores their contemporary importance.”
Helen Prejean, C.S.J., Activist in opposition to the death penalty, author of Dead Man Walking and River of Fire, New Orleans
“In Threshold Bible Study, Stephen Binz provides the tools and an effective process for deep reflection on specific themes developed in different ways across the fullness of Scriptural texts. His approach is rich, multidimensional, and very challenging – a gift to all of us who yearn to be disciples of Christ!”
Marie Dennis, former president of Pax Christi International and present chair of Catholic Nonviolence Initiative
“Engagement with the life-changing pedagogy in Stephen Binz’s Threshold Bible Study brings the understanding that Bible study is a matter of both the mind and heart. Drawing on the finest biblical scholarship, the reader is drawn into individual and group study on themes that deepen one’s prayer life and that challenge our call to the Christian discipleship needed for our times. If I were still teaching in Taiwan today, Threshold Bible Study would be a required text to facilitate discussion and action on how we live as faithful disciples of Jesus in the midst of our troubled world.
Antoinette Gutzler, M.M., former President of the Maryknoll Sisters, former professor at Fu Jen University’s St. Robert Bellarmine School of Theology in Taipei, Taiwan
"In the volumes of his Threshold Bible Study, Stephen Binz gives us a rich treasury for nurturing our faith with the power of the biblical word. Besides his fine Bible scholarship, what I like most is the engaging pedagogy that he provides toward group conversation and faith sharing, welcoming the contribution of each participant. While honoring the legacy of the time-tested lectio divina, Binz recrafts this soul-engaging process for busy people in our time, encouraging all to reflect and share our faith – the most likely way to grow it"
Thomas Groome, Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College
"Stephen Binz has put together a great aid for Catholics hungering for scripture study and application in their daily lives. Threshold Bible Study promises to help meet that need."
John Michael Talbot, Catholic Christian Recording Artist, Little Portion Hermitage
“After reviewing Threshold Bible Study, I can confidently say that Stephen J Binz’s books are informative, inspiring, insightful, transformative, and challenging. Readers are enabled to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ and open their hearts to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in today’s ever-changing contexts. Readers in different parts of the world continue to value the books both for personal reflection and group study.
Pauline Chakkalakal, D.S.P., Doctor of Biblical Theology, Mumbai, India
“Threshold Bible offers profound and valuable insights into scripture. It helps us discover the meaning of the word of God in today's context. Stephen Binz has truly engaged himself in a prophetic and relevant mission.”
Julie George S.Sp.S., Women's rights lawyer with Streevani - The Voice of Women, India
"Inviting, accessible, and wise, Threshold Bible Study is an absolutely superb resource for all Catholics interested in unlocking the Living Word. You now have no excuse not to read and enjoy the Bible."
James Martin, S.J., Editor-at-large at America media, author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage
“Threshold Bible Series is a terrific resource for parishes, groups and individuals who desire to delve more deeply into scripture and Church teaching. Stephen J. Binz has created guides which are profound yet also accessible and which answer the growing desire among today's laity for tools to grow in both faith and community.”
Lisa M. Hendey, Author and Founder of
"This well-developed approach to Bible study is meant to wed serious study and personal prayer within a reflective context. Stephen Binz is to be applauded for this fine addition to Bible study programs."
Dianne Bergant, C.S.A., Professor Emerita, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
"We are at a unique time in our Church’s history when leadership is not confined to a few, but all Catholics are invited to deepen their discipleship and lead in our church and society. Threshold Bible Study helps Catholics reflect on this call in scripture and put that call into action so that our world may experience the transformation that is possible when we are not simply called Christians, but are living and leading in the ways of Christ."
Kim Smolik, Ed.D., CEO, Leadership Roundtable
“Stephen Binz's passion for the Holy Scriptures, while drawing on the best bibilical scholarship available, breaks open the Bible in such a way that the ordinary Catholic can study, espouse, and therefore, live out their faith as disciples of Jesus. The Threshold Bible Study Series is a must for anyone seeking to grow in their knowledge of and personal relationship with Christ.”
Anita Baird, DHM, Founding director of the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office for Racial Justice
“Ordinary folks often search endlessly for solid and accessible scripture studies in an effort to build community and grow in faith. I have recommended the Threshold Bible Study collection by Stephen J. Binz for years and continue to do so with immense trust in the content and in the manner in which Stephen encourages deeper discussion and reflection. The vast selection of vibrant and creative topics have also resonated with those who have consistently utilized these texts for their spiritual journey. These resources are a lasting gift to the church!”
Monique Jacobs, Director of Faith Formation, Diocese of Reno, spiritual director
"The Threshold Bible Study series is a wonderful means for adults to learn the ancient practice of lectio divina. Through study, prayer and contemplation, learners will discover the meaning of God’s word in their daily lives."
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Retired Archbishop of Washington
"I am grateful for this new series introducing our Catholic people to the riches of Sacred Scripture. May these guides to understanding the great truths of our Redemption bring us all closer to the Lord of our salvation."
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York
"Threshold Bible Study is an attractive and accessible way to help Catholics read and cherish Scripture in the context of our tradition. The word of God has the power to transform believers into more active disciples of Jesus Christ and to enrich their faith through the working of the Holy Spirit. For this reason, I encourage Bible study in every parish because if we don't offer it, we can be sure that people will look elsewhere to find ways of studying and savoring God's nourishing word."
Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre, Archbishop of Louisville
“Stephen Binz’s Threshold Bible Study series gives adults of all ages a very accessible way to “open wide the Scriptures” as Dei Verbum urged. Encountering the Word of God together in study groups will allow participants to deepen their faith and encounter their Savior Jesus.”
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, Retired Archbishop of Louisville
“Threshold Bible Study provides a very engaging approach and encounter with sacred Scripture, all the while encouraging the faithful to listen and discern the Word of God, especially in and through Jesus Christ.”
Archbishop Charles C. Thompson, Archbishop of Indianapolis
“To know and love Jesus and to follow him, we need to know and love the Sacred Scriptures. For many years now, the Threshold Bible Study has proven to be a vital tool for Catholics seeking to go deeper in their encounter with Christ.”
Archbishop José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles
“I congratulate and applaud Stephen J. Binz for his work of evangelization with Threshold Bible Study. Pope Francis has encouraged us all to ‘consult the Bible as often as our cell phones.’ I am sure that this study will help many to consult their Bible more as well as help many to better understand and apply in their lives the saving message of the Good News of Jesus—whose love, mercy, welcome, invitation, and embrace we Catholics search for and find on every page of Scripture.”
Archbishop John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe
“I endorse the Threshold Bible Study, remembering the words of St. Jerome: ‘Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.’ These books can be used fruitfully either individually or in study groups. They help introduce readers to a deeper knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and thus can lead them to a greater familiarity and intimacy with the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ, who continues to speak to us in the Scriptures.”
Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami
"I am impressed by the way Threshold Bible Study opens the doors of the sacred page in an intelligent, engaging way that fosters a deeper, more meditative interaction with the Word of God. Stephen Binz has carefully crafted this series for either one’s daily meditation or a weekly group study with equally positive benefit. I am happy to endorse this series as a means to grow in one’s friendship with Christ through the prayerful study of Sacred Scripture."
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas
“Falling in love with the sacred scriptures enables us to fall in deeper love with our loving God. Threshold Bible Study helps us see the Word of God alive in us and among us.”
Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans
“Small groups where men and women of faith can gather to reflect and support each other are essential for the New Evangelization. Stephen Binz has a proven record of supplying excellent resource material to help these groups break open the Scriptures and be nourished and renewed by the living Word of God. I commend him for continuing to provide this important service with the Threshold Bible Study series."
Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, Archbishop of Gatineau, Quebec
“Stephen J. Binz has a unique talent for helping ordinary folks engage the Bible with deep understanding. Graduates of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School are using his Threshold Bible Study throughout Connecticut to bring Scripture more fully into the lives of God’s people. In particular I recommend his latest volume in the series, Missionary Discipleship, for use among church leaders seeking to ground contemporary evangelizing initiatives in a profound understanding of God’s Word.”
BJ Daly Horell, Former Director, Catholic Biblical School, Archdiocese of Hartford
"Stephen Binz offers an invaluable guide that can make reading the Bible enjoyable and truly nourishing. A real education on how to read the Bible, this series prepares people to discuss Scripture and to share it in community."
Jacques Nieuviarts, A.A., Professor, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France
"Though the distance many feel between the Word of God and their every-day lives can be overwhelming, it need not be so. Threshold Bible Study is a fine blend of the best of biblical scholarship and a realistic sensitivity to the spiritual journey of the believing Christian. I recommend it highly."
Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., Professor, Catholic University of Australia
“Threshold Bible Study provides readers with an opportunity to encounter Our Lord Jesus through the prayerful study of the Word of God. I encourage readers to not view the Threshold Bible Study as just reading a textbook, but more so as a personal invitation to come to know the Sacred Scriptures in a deeper way and in doing so to fall in love with Jesus Christ. Stephen Binz offers scholarly insights into the Bible that draw the reader into reflection, prayer and transformation through the Word of God.”
Bishop David Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay
“Threshold Bible Study is a wonderful publication that is sure to open new doors for every reader. In a practical, pastoral, and accessible manner, Stephen Binz brings the insights of contemporary scholarship to us in understandable language and clear format, inviting readers to deeper reflection on their own lived experience.”
Bishop Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange CA
“I find Threshold Bible Study to be a very compelling approach to the study of Scripture with the worthy goal of facilitating genuine, integral spiritual growth. I would highly recommend the series to the Pastors as a suitable tool for the spiritual growth of the Faithful. May Threshold Bible Study grow in impact on behalf of the Church and become a source of genuine benefit for all who make use of it for their spiritual growth.”
Bishop Robert M. Coerver, Bishop of Lubbock
“With Threshold Bible Study, Stephen J. Binz has developed an expansive overview of the Sacred Scriptures, the living Word of God, that invites the seeker to encounter the crucified and risen Lord. and to likewise grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. Each book in the collection invites participants, personally and in small groups, to listen, to question, to pray, to reimagine, and to share the largesse of the Holy Spirit in practical ways each day. This creative compendium will not disappoint.
Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, Bishop of Jackson, MS
“St. Jerome famously wrote, “Ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ”. Conversely then, anything that helps us understand God’s Word in a deeper way cannot help but bring us nearer to Our Lord. The Threshold Bible Study series is food for the soul as well as the intellect and I hope many will make use of it.”
Bishop James F. Checchio, Bishop of Metuchen
“One thing I appreciate about The Threshold Bible Series, whether using it as an individual or in a study group, is that each book guides the user to explore the Scriptures in a thoughtful, listening, and discerning way. The fruit of this method is bound to lead to a deeper understanding of God’s word and its relevance to our lives as Christians.”
Bishop Cristiano B. Barbosa, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Boston
"Threshold Bible Study successfully bridges the painful gap between solid biblical scholarship and the rich spiritual nourishment that we expect to find in the words of Scripture. Stephen Binz is to be congratulated for responding to this urgent need in today's world."
Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B., late Professor of Scripture, Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe
"Threshold Bible Study is that rare kind of program that will help one cross an elusive threshold—using the Bible effectively for prayer and spiritual enrichment. This user-friendly program will enhance any personal or group Bible study. Guaranteed to make your love of Scripture grow!"
Ronald D. Witherup, S.S., former Superior General of the Sulpicians, Professor of Scripture
"I most strongly recommend this series, exceptional for its scholarly solidity, pastoral practicality, and clarity of presentation. The church owes Binz a great debt of gratitude for his generous and competent labor in the service of the Word of God."
Peter C. Phan, Professor of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University
"Threshold Bible Study is an enriching and enlightening approach to understanding the rich faith which the Scriptures hold for us today. Written in a clear and concise style, Threshold Bible Study presents solid contemporary biblical scholarship, offers questions for reflection and/or discussion, and then demonstrates a way to pray from the Scriptures. All these elements work together to offer the reader a wonderful insight into how the sacred texts of our faith can touch our lives in a profound and practical way today. I heartily recommend this series to both individuals and to Bible study groups."
Abbot Gregory J. Polan, O.S.B., Conception Abbey, Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Order
"Here, at last, is a Bible study for those of us who don't like Bible studies! Stephen Binz brings new meaning to the biblical passages and deeper connection to our own lives. His discussions do far more than inform; they ask for commitment and assent on the part of the reader."
Kathleen O’Connell Chesto, writer and speaker
"Threshold Bible Study offers a marvelous new approach for individuals and groups to study themes in our rich biblical and theological tradition. Moving through these thematic units feels like gazing at panels of stained glass windows, viewing similar images through different lights."
John Endres, S.J., Former Professor, Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University
"In an increasingly bible-reading and bible-praying Church these helpful books combine solid biblical information and challenging suggestions as they continually breathe new life into ancient texts."
John R. Donahue, S.J., the late Professor of Scripture, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore
"Threshold Bible Study is a refreshing approach to enable participants to ponder the Scriptures more deeply. This series provides a practical way for faithful people to get to know the Bible better and to enjoy the fruits of biblical prayer."
Irene Nowell, O.S.B., Mount St. Scholastica, Atchison, Kansas
"Threshold Bible Study helpfully introduces the lay reader into the life-enhancing process of Lectio Divina, individually or in a group. This series leads the reader from Bible study to personal prayer, community involvement, and active Christian commitment in the world."
Sandra M. Schneiders, Professor Emerita, Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University
"This fine series will deepen your understanding of Scripture, but most importantly it can deepen your faith. In the classical tradition of lectio divina, this series also offers a very practical way to equip people for the New Evangelization."
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Former Archbishop of Philadelphia
"Written in a sprightly easy-to-understand style, these volumes will engage the mind, heart, and spirit of the reader who utilizes the helpful resources author Stephen J. Binz makes available."
Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M., Professor Emeritus, The Catholic University of AmericA
"Threshold Bible Study offers those who want to begin faith-filled and prayerful study of the Bible with a user-friendly tool. These books will open readers to a new and stimulating way to encounter the Word of God."
Leslie J. Hoppe, O.F.M., Professor, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
"Threshold Bible Study unlocks the Scriptures and ushers the reader over the threshold into the world of God’s living Word. The world of the Bible comes alive with new meaning and understanding for our times. This is the best material I have seen for serious Bible study."
Bishop Donald W. Trautman, the late Bishop of Erie
"Stephen Binz has an amazing gift for making the meaning of the biblical text come alive! With a strong background in Bible study, he knows how to provide the roadmap any group can use to explore Scripture. I'd like to see this in the hands of every adult Catholic in the church today."
Bill Huebsch, author and theologian
"With lucidity and creativity, Stephen Binz offers today’s believing communities a rich and accessible treasury of biblical scholarship. The series' brilliance lies in its simplicity of presentation complemented by critical depth of thought and reflective insight."
Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., Professor of Theology, University of Portland, OR
"Threshold Bible Study is a wonderful series that helps modern people read the Bible with insight and joy, helping them to hear and respond to God speaking to us in the Scriptures."
Richard J. Clifford, S.J., Professor Emeritus, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
"Threshold Bible Study is appropriately named, for its commentary and study questions bring people to the threshold of the text and invite them in. The questions guide but do not dominate. Stephen Binz's work stands in the tradition of the biblical renewal movement and brings it back to life."
Kathleen M. O'Connor, Professor Emerita, Columbia Theological Seminary
What People in the Parishes Are Saying about Threshold Bible Study
Here are comments from Bible study coordinators in Catholic parishes who are using Threshold Bible Study.
We have completed at least 24 of your Threshold Bible Study series, going back to at least 2006. It is difficult to repeat them since many of our group have been with us for much of that time. We especially like how the lessons are organized, with good Scripture selection, solid commentary, and meaningful discussion questions. Our groups like the format of your books better than many we’ve used in the past, and they are particularly fond of your thematic studies. It has been my experience that parishes don’t tend to encourage Bible studies as they may be focused on other areas of continuing faith formation. To encourage study of Scripture, I would ask if parishioners understand the context of the Sunday mass readings, if they know how the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New, and if they realize that so many of our church liturgies and practices are rooted in the traditions of ancient Israel, helping us appreciate them more.
John Scanlan, Mundelein, IL
We have been using Threshold Bible Study for several years now and expect to do so into the future. Recently the books we have done include those on Corinthians, John, Revelation, the Holy Spirit, and Deuteronomy, and we will be doing Luke this coming year, probably to be followed by Acts. Participants are asked to read the lessons ahead of time, jot down answers to the questions, and come to the sessions ready to discuss. For us Threshold offers a good mix between scholarly information on the scriptures and considering how it applies to our everyday lives. We have tried some other studies that were just too intellectual/scholarly for us. The length of the lessons and the preparation time required is good for our group. We also like the wide range of topics available, both on specific books and on specific topics. We found the study of Deuteronomy to be very enlightening, so perhaps other books on the OT would be similarly helpful. We have a high rate of returning members, so we must be doing something right! Participating in a group using the Threshold Series has really opened up the meaning of much in Scripture that I had missed or not fully understood after years of reading the Bible on my own and hearing homilies at church. Seeing how it applies to my life and the lives of others in our group has added a whole other dimension to my spiritual journey. Thank you and keep up the good work. We are blessed to have access to your explanations and insights.
Bill Forgacs, Ann Arbor, MI
I facilitate two Threshold Bible Study groups, one on Thursday evenings and one Friday mornings. Participants are parishioners and people from other parishes who hear about our studies. I like the combination of Scripture, commentary, and questions to ponder. I also like that you pull out a theme for each book of Scripture. Some of the programs we’ve used in the past were often too complicated for "ordinary" folks. One of the most repeated reasons folks give me for coming from other parishes is that their bible study is not focused enough and often degenerates into distracted gossip. Threshold is user-friendly and helps our facilitators keep the groups centered on topic. We are grateful for all the scholarship you share with us.
Marya Pohlmeier, Saint Peters, MO
We use Threshold Bible Study for a women's group on Wednesday mornings and a mixed group on Wednesday nights. The books are easy to read and have great discussion questions that are not intimidating. The format of the study is very inviting and simple to use. We will continue using Threshold studies because the parishioners love them and I recommend them to the other churches in our diocese.
Al Pompeo, New Middletown, OH
We are a weekly Bible study for women. After comparing several programs, we like best the format and content of Threshold Bible Study. It is easier and more flexible to use. We like its balanced theology and the way you’ve included prayers both at the beginning and end of each session. We are so grateful for your work and consider ourselves blessed to have worked so many years with these studies. Thank you for your ministry.
Debby Weidner. Duvall, WA
I facilitate two Bible study small groups in our parish; each group completes four studies each year. Threshold Bible Study is well written, easy to read, appropriately challenging, and popular with my Bible study participants. As a facilitator, I particularly like the questions for conversation. I would appreciate more Old Testament studies, since there are relatively few good, Catholic studies of OT books available. We really appreciate your scholarship and your ability to share your insights.
Steve Picard, Los Angeles, CA
I have been involved in Bible study now for 35 years, and in the past 20 years I have used Threshold Bible Study exclusively. My groups enjoy your approach to the Bible and your commentaries. Our study of Deuteronomy was wonderful, and I love that you are now offering Paul’s letters. The pastoral approach used by Threshold invites and encourages personal engagement. It shows that even the novice at Bible study has a knowledge and faith that should be expressed and shared.
Chris Genge, Libertyville, IL
I have a women's faith-sharing study group, usually 25-30 women; my husband has a men’s group, and several other Small Christian Communities and other faith sharing groups in the parish use Threshold Bible Study. The commentary is always so informative and enlightening, and we like that each session is short, easy to read, and the questions can be answered in one sitting. The ladies in my group especially like the prayers at the end of each session. Since my group is large, they like to have more time to discuss each lesson, so we generally do 3 lessons each week and make it a 10-week study. The price of your studies is very reasonable, and we find the bulk discount pricing great. We absolutely plan to continue with Threshold Bible Study and we look forward to studying Parables of Jesus next. Thank you for providing such wonderful and enlightening studies for us!
Teresa Romano, Melbourne, FL
I use Threshold Bible Study with small groups in home meetings. I like the quality of the study, the bite-sized info of each lesson, solid theology that you can understand, the way it exposes people to the scripture text itself. I would recommend Threshold to others because each book is a month’s worth of study all laid out for you, the teaching is sound teaching, it’s great for group discussions and prayer together, and it’s a great price. I plan to give the Eucharist book to all our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to read over the summer. May you continue to use your gifts to encourage and help build up the family of God through Bible studies.
Betsy Wiederkehr Huss, Jonesboro, AR
Our GIFT Adult Bible Studies (Growing in Faith Together) and our Women’s Bible Study both use Threshold Bible Study. We most like the questions for discussion and the affordability of the program. We’ve found the customer service to be superb and we really like the large variety of topics available. Thank you!
Marybeth Stuart, Sanford, MI
We have a Women's Bible Study of about 25 who meet weekly during the school year. We have used a Threshold Bible Study the last 3 years and are planning to use another this year. We like the setup of the study -- 5 sections, 30 lessons. The study material is thought provoking and the questions engaging. There is more depth in the material than in what we have used in the past. We find the Threshold studies are well designed for both Scriptural understanding and spiritual growth! Thank you for using your gifts to create this study series. It is obvious from the text that you have a personal relationship with the Lord and want to lead others in that direction.
Dianna Rottiers, Comstock Park, MI
We have found the various topics of Threshold Bible Study quite timely and engaging, connecting today's issues to the Bible. The studies of John, Peacemaking and Nonviolence, Stewardship of the Earth, and Missionary Discipleship were all well done. I like the topical approach because it engages both the Old and New Testaments together and focuses on issues people are concerned about. In order for everyone in the group to share their thoughts on a lesson, we use a three-part lectio divina experience: first, inviting everyone to share a word or verse that touches them, second, asking what moved them by what someone else said, and third, challenging them to retitle the section we are discussing. Threshold is easy to use and provides a solid means to study the Bible for all levels of knowledge.
Janice L. Poss, Claremont, CA
This is our 10th year using Threshold Bible Study and plan to continue with more. The study is non-threatening in that you don’t have to be a bible scholar to follow and understand. The content is clear, educational, and manageable. The work required is not overwhelming, and it offers the opportunity to reflect, meditate, and appropriate the word of God in our daily lives. The commentary is rich and informative, yet also concise. The questions are thought-provoking, encouraging personal application and appropriation of Catholic teachings and faith practices, and calling participants to missionary discipleship to share the good news. Threshold is an experience of the heart as well as the head, with a focus not only on exegesis but also on application and personal transformation.
Marie Ruggiero, Lake Worth, FL
Our Christian Fellowship and Study group is preparing to use our third book of Threshold Bible Study this fall. Our group consists of married couples, widows, and singles from age 50 to 88. We like the format of the commentary and questions, which provides us with food for thought and gives us the opportunity to discuss our faith journey through life. We have tried books of other series but found them difficult because the theology was too deep for most of the people in the group. Your books present us with theology at a level we can understand and talk about with each other. We will be using your book on The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts for our next study.
Rey Armijo, Peoria, AZ
I have been facilitating women’s Bible studies at my parish for over 20 years and have used many resources. Threshold Bible Study is consistently well received by my groups, so I have returned to them time and time again and will continue to do so! Your commentaries are solid and spot-on, the questions are relevant and thought provoking, and your closing prayers are amazing as they always seem to capture the heart of the lesson. I also find that your studies are ideal for everyone in the group—whether it's their first study or they have been studying the scriptures for a long time. I much prefer to use Bible studies with only written material rather than those whose content is on video. While I have already completed many of your books, there are still plenty that I haven't gotten to yet. I really like the fact that you have some on themes—like Divine Mercy, Angels, and Missionary Discipleship—and others on the books of the bible, and I have done both. As someone who truly embraces my Catholic faith and is quite knowledgeable of what the Church teaches, I have a high level of confidence that your study guides are faithful to the teachings of our church. I am truly grateful to you for these wonderful studies!
Linda Nichols, Harleysville, PA
I facilitate the Bible Sharing program at my parish and sell Threshold Bible Study books in our gift shop. People like the format and the small chapters in each of the books that allow them to examine the details of the Scripture reading being presented. Of all the programs we have tried, Threshold Bible Study is the best, so we will continue to use Threshold because it is thorough and provocative. Thank you for such a great program!
Benjamin Saenz, ofs, Bisbee, AZ
Our parish community is a small English Catholic parish in French-speaking Quebec. We have used and truly enjoyed your Bible studies for years. We often open the invitation to neighbouring English-speaking parish communities in our diocese (since the English-speaking Catholic world here in Quebec is rather small). We love the short and accessible commentary after each Scripture passage, the questions, and the prayers. The Bible study is well organized and divides nicely into a study of a few weeks. The text encourages discussion, stirs reflection, and the time together is valuable. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Cory Andrew Labrecque, Saint-Hubert, QC
Our group particularly appreciates the commentaries of Threshold Bible Study. They offer great insights helping us understand scripture in a more meaningful way. We feel this study was a more advanced study compared to others we used in the past. It is very thorough and fits the learning level of our group. We agree that it is a great aid in understanding Scripture.
Diana Trozzo, Export, PA
We have a little Catholic church on Peak’s Island, Maine, and we love your Threshold Bible Study. We have been working our way through them in our Adult Bible Study. We used to read and discuss the three readings for the upcoming weekend Mass and we were just using the missal and our bibles, but when we discovered your series, we moved up to Threshold Bible Study. As a retired educator, I tell people that your books are set up in a wonderful, user-friendly format that meets the needs of everyone. Our group is particularly impressed with the format you use, especially the background commentary, which offers the historical context to the Scriptures, followed by discussion questions and the prayer. We have followed it for so long that now I just ask them which reflection or discussion question they would like to talk about. We are looking forward to your new study on the parables of Jesus.
Mary Anderson, Peak’s Island, ME